TV ads and bonus in June for KultivierteSingles and Zusammen

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Our longer term affiliates already know that we support our partners with different online and offline PR and brand building activities.

This year it is no different: C-Date is official dating partner of German Ice Hockey Federation and if you watch Bundesliga soccer matches on TV, you can recognize C-Date brand thanks to advertisements on stadiums. All our partners benefit from these efforts resulting in great conversions rates thanks to brand recognition.

This is why in June we continue with TV advertisements for our Singles50 brand in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Our Singles50 brand in these countries is called and in Germany and Austria and in Switzerland. TV ads campaigns in all three countries will be launched in June on national TV channels.

We also made videos available on our Youtube channels. Please feel free to embed them on your websites! (using them as direct video-ads in not allowed without previous approval)

ZusammenDE (DE):
ZusammenAT (AT):
KultivierteSingles (CH):

And to make it worthwhile for our partners to promote Singles50 DE, AT, or CH, we have a special treat: BONUS of 21 EUR for each sale in June in any of these three Singles50 countries! Just make sure that you reach out to your affiliate manager and sign up for bonus so we credit you for all the sales at the end of June! (no sign up, no bonus)

Let’s maximize the profits in June with joint effort! If there is something else we can do to help you in scaling traffic, let us know!